UB 2 ajiiib .
pertamatama saat gw nerima nilai english sama sejarah si senyumsenyum licik gitu .
soalnya nilai gw paling bagus, gag paling si .
80 duaduanya gitu .
trus dapet nilai ekonomi yang cuma 66 .
bodo ahh .
keesokannya, gw dapet nilai agama, lumayan 74 .
biologi : 66,sekian (haduuh padahal gw bisa kemaren)
bahasa : 46 (yaoloooh,malu gw)
trus gw dapet kunci mtk, gw salah 13 .
yaoloooh .
nilai gw berapaaaaaaaaaa .
haduuuh, the scores bring me down .
yaoloooh, akaankah saya masuk IPA, akankah saya bisa mendapat beasiswa, akankan saya mendapatkan ETON University, akankah saya bisa menimba ilmu disana. akankah saya bisa menggapai citacita saya ?
hanya allah yang tahuuu .
huuuuuuuaaaaa .
Jumat, 19 September 2008
Jumat, 12 September 2008
kebiadaban emak gw .
pada suatu malam yang sunyi, dan kelam .
seorang wanita sebaya memanggil ku .
"mba, mama nemu yang buat behel kamu ni"
"apaan ? bre-ket ?"
"gag tau namnya apa . ini yang buat behel kamu bukan ?"
(setelah gw liat)
"iya ma. ih buang aja . udah kotor banget gitu" gw mengatakan sambil berfirasat BURUK .
"udah kamu cuci aja, pake aer panas ya mba"
gw mencuci malesmalesan dan firasat BURUK itu terus mengantui gw . ada apa gerangan dengan pembersih behelku yang lebih mirip dengan pembersih botol ini ? apa kah dia akan mati, meninggalkan gigiku yang mulai menguning ini ? apa akan memperburuk keadaan ? (udah jatoh ke corokan trus dipake lagi).
aku terus memikirkan itu .
"udah ni ma. terus diapain lagi ?"
"ya kamu pake laaah . buat bersihin behel kamu"
gw nelen ludah .
"yaoloh ma, ini kan udah jatoh"
"udah gapapa, kan nyarinya susah, harganya juga keanya rada mahal"
eee buseeeeet . my emak is going crazy .
apa kah anda pernah mengalami kejadian yang seperti ini ? jika pernah, segera laporkan kepada saya ! kita tidak boleh membiarkan anak bangsa hancur karena pembersih gigi yang lebih mirip sama pembersih botol .
selamatkan behel anda !
seorang wanita sebaya memanggil ku .
"mba, mama nemu yang buat behel kamu ni"
"apaan ? bre-ket ?"
"gag tau namnya apa . ini yang buat behel kamu bukan ?"
(setelah gw liat)
"iya ma. ih buang aja . udah kotor banget gitu" gw mengatakan sambil berfirasat BURUK .
"udah kamu cuci aja, pake aer panas ya mba"
gw mencuci malesmalesan dan firasat BURUK itu terus mengantui gw . ada apa gerangan dengan pembersih behelku yang lebih mirip dengan pembersih botol ini ? apa kah dia akan mati, meninggalkan gigiku yang mulai menguning ini ? apa akan memperburuk keadaan ? (udah jatoh ke corokan trus dipake lagi).
aku terus memikirkan itu .
"udah ni ma. terus diapain lagi ?"
"ya kamu pake laaah . buat bersihin behel kamu"
gw nelen ludah .
"yaoloh ma, ini kan udah jatoh"
"udah gapapa, kan nyarinya susah, harganya juga keanya rada mahal"
eee buseeeeet . my emak is going crazy .
apa kah anda pernah mengalami kejadian yang seperti ini ? jika pernah, segera laporkan kepada saya ! kita tidak boleh membiarkan anak bangsa hancur karena pembersih gigi yang lebih mirip sama pembersih botol .
selamatkan behel anda !
aku hancul . halaaah . :D
Sabtu, 06 September 2008
pasti kalian juga gag percaya ya gw dilakuin sebegitu istimewanya sama DAVID Philliphe Desrosiers ?
yah banyak kok yang gag percaya .
huhu .
gw gag bohong kok .
sumpaaah .
percaya doong sama gw .
yahyah .
yah banyak kok yang gag percaya .
huhu .
gw gag bohong kok .
sumpaaah .
percaya doong sama gw .
yahyah .
hal yang terlewatkan . bahasa gw . haha
whoaaaa .
gw udah gag pernah ngisi blog lagi .
padahal ada banyak hal yang asik gw lewati .
1. gw lulus
2. nem gw lumayan lah 35,60
3. gw masuk galan
4. i've got great friends
5. kinda crazy teachers too
6. gw nonton konser SIMPLEPLAN, JakartaJam, 31 Juli 2008
7. gw diliatin DAVIIIID
8. gw disenyumin DAVID
9. gw di TUNJUK sama DAVIIID .
aaagggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh .
let me scream out loud for y'all
gw udah gag pernah ngisi blog lagi .
padahal ada banyak hal yang asik gw lewati .
1. gw lulus
2. nem gw lumayan lah 35,60
3. gw masuk galan
4. i've got great friends
5. kinda crazy teachers too
6. gw nonton konser SIMPLEPLAN, JakartaJam, 31 Juli 2008
7. gw diliatin DAVIIIID
8. gw disenyumin DAVID
9. gw di TUNJUK sama DAVIIID .
aaagggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh .
let me scream out loud for y'all
Rabu, 25 Juni 2008
ma'-new-big-lie-name .
udah lama gw gag isi blog .
hi everyone !
gw cuma mau ngasih tau kalo nama gw nambah jadi :
resista bill gates myognate freshimona thermopholis reinaldi alqurano bienzalo ritatalin JONAS DESROSIERS .
selamat menghafal !
hi everyone !
gw cuma mau ngasih tau kalo nama gw nambah jadi :
resista bill gates myognate freshimona thermopholis reinaldi alqurano bienzalo ritatalin JONAS DESROSIERS .
selamat menghafal !
Selasa, 24 Juni 2008
sinopsis .
tentukan jalan imajinasimu, kawan !
tentukan, kemudian mainkan dengan logika tertutup, atau hilang kewarasanmu saat memainkan imajinasimu .
petualangan 2 remaja melawan makhluk yang datang dari dunia umbra, makhluk itu bisa menjadi siapa saja, siapa saja .
tentukan, kemudian mainkan dengan logika tertutup, atau hilang kewarasanmu saat memainkan imajinasimu .
petualangan 2 remaja melawan makhluk yang datang dari dunia umbra, makhluk itu bisa menjadi siapa saja, siapa saja .
Rabu, 28 Mei 2008
berukwoman .
ini udah berlangsung lama sekali .
garagara gw punya kuku panjang yang gahar dan garong kenapa gag gw manfaatin, yaudah gw graok aja tementemen gw dkelas ampe pada lukaluka imut .
akhirnya gw dipanggil beruk, padahal gw berharap dipanggil gorila yang sadis dikit .
pas gw sampe rumah gw bangga banget akhirnya gw punya senjata rahasia yang bisa mengelabui 1 godzila gigi dan 1 sipanse jerawatan .
saat kita lagi nonton film 'dante's peak' pertamatama s nyantai .
gak lama kemudian mereka saling melirik, kedua mata saling bertemu, dan senyum yang saling mengembang .
berikut adalah percakapan berukganteng, godzilagigi dan sipanse jerawatan .
saat mereka saling menebar senyum gw nyangkanya mereka lagi pacaran tapi gw mulai curiga soalnya mereka sejenis tapi gw belom tau pasti mereka cw apa co tapi yang pasti si godzilagigi kelaminnya gag jelas jadi cwi (baca: cuwi) trus si sipansejerawatan kelaminnya gag jelas soalnya dy bisa jadi cw dan cowo, nah gw belom tau sekarang dy jadi cw apa co .
"wah . . iklannya seksi y . ." ujar sipansejerawatan
"iya . kita jadi gag ?" godzilagigi
"jadi . ayo !" sipansejerawatan menggoda godzilagigi
"seraaaang !" 2 makhluk aneh berhasil nangkep tangan gw .
"ayo dek ! pegang terus tangannya ! jangan sampe lepas ! bahaya kalo lepas" sipanse jerawatan sementara gw mengerangerang sambil menyakarnyakar mereka .
"iket dek ! iket tangannya pake tali jemuran biar gag bisa lepas !" godzilagigi melaksanakan perintah sipansejerawatan, mengambil tali jemuran gorila, bayangin aja !
gw hanya seekor beruk lemah yang pasrah tapi ganteng mempesona trus diiket ama tali jemuran gorila yang benangnya aja segede tali 'BH' .
tapi godzila gigi akan menemui berbagai rintangan untuk mendapatkannya .
gw menebarkan senyum biadab terhadap sipansejerawatan, dy tersentak .
yeah . .
gw berhasil terlepas dari cengkraman dy .
dengan muka kejahatan gw nyakar dy sepuas dy .
saat godzilagigi kembali membawa pesanan sipansejerawatan tergeletak tak berdaya .
"aduh . . aku sudah gag perawan"
garagara gw punya kuku panjang yang gahar dan garong kenapa gag gw manfaatin, yaudah gw graok aja tementemen gw dkelas ampe pada lukaluka imut .
akhirnya gw dipanggil beruk, padahal gw berharap dipanggil gorila yang sadis dikit .
pas gw sampe rumah gw bangga banget akhirnya gw punya senjata rahasia yang bisa mengelabui 1 godzila gigi dan 1 sipanse jerawatan .
saat kita lagi nonton film 'dante's peak' pertamatama s nyantai .
gak lama kemudian mereka saling melirik, kedua mata saling bertemu, dan senyum yang saling mengembang .
berikut adalah percakapan berukganteng, godzilagigi dan sipanse jerawatan .
saat mereka saling menebar senyum gw nyangkanya mereka lagi pacaran tapi gw mulai curiga soalnya mereka sejenis tapi gw belom tau pasti mereka cw apa co tapi yang pasti si godzilagigi kelaminnya gag jelas jadi cwi (baca: cuwi) trus si sipansejerawatan kelaminnya gag jelas soalnya dy bisa jadi cw dan cowo, nah gw belom tau sekarang dy jadi cw apa co .
"wah . . iklannya seksi y . ." ujar sipansejerawatan
"iya . kita jadi gag ?" godzilagigi
"jadi . ayo !" sipansejerawatan menggoda godzilagigi
"seraaaang !" 2 makhluk aneh berhasil nangkep tangan gw .
"ayo dek ! pegang terus tangannya ! jangan sampe lepas ! bahaya kalo lepas" sipanse jerawatan sementara gw mengerangerang sambil menyakarnyakar mereka .
"iket dek ! iket tangannya pake tali jemuran biar gag bisa lepas !" godzilagigi melaksanakan perintah sipansejerawatan, mengambil tali jemuran gorila, bayangin aja !
gw hanya seekor beruk lemah yang pasrah tapi ganteng mempesona trus diiket ama tali jemuran gorila yang benangnya aja segede tali 'BH' .
tapi godzila gigi akan menemui berbagai rintangan untuk mendapatkannya .
gw menebarkan senyum biadab terhadap sipansejerawatan, dy tersentak .
yeah . .
gw berhasil terlepas dari cengkraman dy .
dengan muka kejahatan gw nyakar dy sepuas dy .
saat godzilagigi kembali membawa pesanan sipansejerawatan tergeletak tak berdaya .
"aduh . . aku sudah gag perawan"
gw inget masa lalu lhoo .
rumah sakit .
gw inget banget tiap hari gw cuma dapet makan kabel, infus, suntikan, jengukan, ee, dan pipis .
trus gw ee dipispot lho .
asik banget dah . .
yang nyebokin emak, yang nyuciin ee gw emak tapi gag enaknya yang mandiin gw suster .
hii bayangin aja gw digrepekgrepek .
haha .
tinggal tidur, semua tersedian .
kamar mandi skola .
gag tau kenapa setiap ketemu temenpurapurakenal yang akhirnya jadi temen slalu di kamar mandi .
indahnya . .
musuh jadi temen .
kenapa oh kenapa stiap orang yang pernah gw jelekjelekin slalu ujungujungnya jadi temen, gag deket s . .
walawpun gag ketauan cuma kan gag enak .
gw inget banget tiap hari gw cuma dapet makan kabel, infus, suntikan, jengukan, ee, dan pipis .
trus gw ee dipispot lho .
asik banget dah . .
yang nyebokin emak, yang nyuciin ee gw emak tapi gag enaknya yang mandiin gw suster .
hii bayangin aja gw digrepekgrepek .
haha .
tinggal tidur, semua tersedian .
kamar mandi skola .
gag tau kenapa setiap ketemu temenpurapurakenal yang akhirnya jadi temen slalu di kamar mandi .
indahnya . .
musuh jadi temen .
kenapa oh kenapa stiap orang yang pernah gw jelekjelekin slalu ujungujungnya jadi temen, gag deket s . .
walawpun gag ketauan cuma kan gag enak .
liburan gila .
abis ulum, uan, u.p, uas .
kyaknya si U jadi pemeran utama di blog gw .
gw niatnya seharian tidur, namatin harvestmoon, nerusin novel, browsing video sp ma jonas brother, maen skate board pkkonya membayangkan yang indahindah d . .
pas gw udah sampe rumah gw lupa kalo ps gw dipinjem, mau nerusin novel ma nyari video gimana keyboard gw rusak, maen skateboard, skateboard gw udah gag bisa dipake garagara gearnya kering garagara gag pernah dipake .
sumpah gw gag tau apa yang bakal gw lakuin selanjutnya kalo hidup gw gini mulu .
yaudah gw niatnya baca komik aja, eeh komik gw udah abis gw baca .
yaoloh . .
masa gw harus belajar mulu .
udah gitu gw denger kabar buruk mulu belakangan ini .
yaallah apakah ini awal dari kesenangan hamba akan nem yang bagus ?
huaa .
p.s gw nge post blog dari hape bukan komp .
kyaknya si U jadi pemeran utama di blog gw .
gw niatnya seharian tidur, namatin harvestmoon, nerusin novel, browsing video sp ma jonas brother, maen skate board pkkonya membayangkan yang indahindah d . .
pas gw udah sampe rumah gw lupa kalo ps gw dipinjem, mau nerusin novel ma nyari video gimana keyboard gw rusak, maen skateboard, skateboard gw udah gag bisa dipake garagara gearnya kering garagara gag pernah dipake .
sumpah gw gag tau apa yang bakal gw lakuin selanjutnya kalo hidup gw gini mulu .
yaudah gw niatnya baca komik aja, eeh komik gw udah abis gw baca .
yaoloh . .
masa gw harus belajar mulu .
udah gitu gw denger kabar buruk mulu belakangan ini .
yaallah apakah ini awal dari kesenangan hamba akan nem yang bagus ?
huaa .
p.s gw nge post blog dari hape bukan komp .
liburan panjang gila .
Rabu, 26 Maret 2008
Bass wat he use .
David’s Basses!
I classify all the basses that David had been using in videoclips, shows.. etcetcetc!
Let's seee..
The Green Day Bass
This is one of his most common basses, the one that he really often uses. It's white with a part in black, and a sticker in the middle (the hand of GD). He used this one in the videoclips 'Shut up' and 'Crazy' as in many shows!
& behind, it has another sticker, with the name of one of his favorite bands, Green Day)
The Misterious
He made the video 'Perfect' using this one, it's all black. Since the video was done, we didn't keep seeing it really often.. but does it still exist? lol
The Blame Canada
Another one he usually uses, appears in 'Don't Wanna Think About You', 'Perfect World' and also in many shows, appearances on TV.. etc!
The Heartbreakers
The black and white one was used in 'Addicted' and 'I'd Do Anything', in the black part it has a little sticker of a broken heart.
& the same with this other one, instead of white, it's red and black! (only used in some shows)
The mix
This bass was seen few times, and in 'Welcome to my life'. It's a mix of brown and black. Hope it's still alive! haha
The Red one
David made the video 'I'm just a kid' with it, and then it was seen in some gigs.
The Blue Sky
This one just appeared in some shows, it's all blue with a part in white.
David just used it some few times, we didn't keep seeing it.. it's all white, without stickers.
A Mxpx bassist's bass?
He played with some bands when they were all together on tour, and maybe the bassist of the band Mxpx (check out the background) let him to use it. Or.. who knows? Maybe it's another of his basses!
All in one?!
This one is a real mix of all his basses, it's all black, with a sticker of GD and another one with the letters 'Blame Canada'!! haha
Japanese baby
As he tells in one vlog, he bought it in Japan while their new single promo. It's black and white, without stikers (yet, maybe)
The acoustic one
I guess David bought it while the single promo too, it's acoustic, and with a very nice shape and color! He's been using it in the little shows of the promo.
Personally, my fave is the Green Day one :)
What's your favorite after see all of them?
Aaand, the third heartbreaker, it's red and white, with the same sticker of the broken heart in the middle :)
The mix
This bass was seen few times, and in 'Welcome to my life'. It's a mix of brown and black. Hope it's still alive! haha
The Red one
David made the video 'I'm just a kid' with it, and then it was seen in some gigs.
The Blue Sky
This one just appeared in some shows, it's all blue with a part in white.
David just used it some few times, we didn't keep seeing it.. it's all white, without stickers.
A Mxpx bassist's bass?
He played with some bands when they were all together on tour, and maybe the bassist of the band Mxpx (check out the background) let him to use it. Or.. who knows? Maybe it's another of his basses!
All in one?!
This one is a real mix of all his basses, it's all black, with a sticker of GD and another one with the letters 'Blame Canada'!! haha
Japanese baby
As he tells in one vlog, he bought it in Japan while their new single promo. It's black and white, without stikers (yet, maybe)
The acoustic one
I guess David bought it while the single promo too, it's acoustic, and with a very nice shape and color! He's been using it in the little shows of the promo.
Personally, my fave is the Green Day one :)
What's your favorite after see all of them?
Sabtu, 08 Maret 2008
Member Biographys
Member Biographys
Pierre Charles BouvierHe's the Lead Singer of Simple Plan. He was born on May 9th, 1979 in Montreal,Canada. Before and partly during his musical career, Pierre worked as a youth in a barbecue restaurant in his hometown of Montréal as a cook. At age 15, he found the punk/rock band named reset whit his school mate chuck Comeau, in which he was the lead singer and bassist. Dissatisfied whit the artistic directions of the band, Pierre helped to found Simple plan, of which he is the frontman and lead singer. In live performance, he plays guitar for certain songs. He also hosted a show on MTV called, Damage Control. He also shares a clothing line called, Role Model, With Chuck and Patrick. Pierre wrote the song, "If I Die Tomorrow" on Motley Crue's album with Chuck. They felt it didnt go well with the songs they had on their album so they let Motley Crue use it.
He is the bassist & back vocalist of Simple Plan.He was born on August 29th, 1980. David joined Reset, after former lead singer, Pierre Bouvier, left the band. He was subsequently recruited to join Simple Plan, which was originally a four-piece, with Bouvier playing bass. He has been known to briefly play the drums or guitar during the show. David has developed into almost a co-frontman as dialogue between him and lead singer Pierre enlivens the show. He is the only member of Simple Plan who didn't attend Beaubois College.
He is the guitarist/back vocalist of Simple Plan. He was born on June 5th, 1981 in Laval, QC. He has 2 Sisters and a Brother. He is the youngest member of Simple plan. Sometimes during shows, he and david switch instruments: he plays bass and David plays guitar. He dated Jamie Browing. He has a project called : "Man Of The Hour", with the Simple Plan's Webmaster, Patrick Langlois, which is a Radio show on idobi radio, a band whit an E.P. and also a clothing line called, Man Of The Hour. He used to be a janitor at his high school.
He is the drummer of Simple Plan. Chuck and band mate Pierre Bouvier were in a band called Reset. After the band's first CD was released, Comeau left the band and went to college, intending to follow in his father's footsteps as a lawyer. He Studied at McGill University in Montreal, but left to pursue a music career, He was a writer for a music magazine. He soon left college and helped, with Pierre, to form the new band which evolved into Simple Plan. He was born on September 17, 1979 in Montreal, Canada...
He is the Lead Guitarist of Simple Plan. He was born August 22, 1978 in Montreal, Canada and is the oldest member of Simple Plan. He has one brother. He loves Italian food and sushi. He has one tattoo on his upper arm and two piercings in each ear, also one labret. Before Joining Simple Plan , he was an Guitar teacher. Jeff got the nickname "Jeff", when his friends decided to call him "JF" for short, since many of his English friends couldn't pronounce his name. There's been rumors? that he his producing/or becoming the manager of a group, i dont know the name but i read it in a magezine. Jeff's favorite TV shows are The Osbournes, Friends, and The Sopranos.
Pierre Charles Bouvier
David Phillipe Desrosiers
He is the bassist & back vocalist of Simple Plan.He was born on August 29th, 1980. David joined Reset, after former lead singer, Pierre Bouvier, left the band. He was subsequently recruited to join Simple Plan, which was originally a four-piece, with Bouvier playing bass. He has been known to briefly play the drums or guitar during the show. David has developed into almost a co-frontman as dialogue between him and lead singer Pierre enlivens the show. He is the only member of Simple Plan who didn't attend Beaubois College.
Sebastien Lefebvre
He is the guitarist/back vocalist of Simple Plan. He was born on June 5th, 1981 in Laval, QC. He has 2 Sisters and a Brother. He is the youngest member of Simple plan. Sometimes during shows, he and david switch instruments: he plays bass and David plays guitar. He dated Jamie Browing. He has a project called : "Man Of The Hour", with the Simple Plan's Webmaster, Patrick Langlois, which is a Radio show on idobi radio, a band whit an E.P. and also a clothing line called, Man Of The Hour. He used to be a janitor at his high school.
Chuck Andre Comeau
He is the drummer of Simple Plan. Chuck and band mate Pierre Bouvier were in a band called Reset. After the band's first CD was released, Comeau left the band and went to college, intending to follow in his father's footsteps as a lawyer. He Studied at McGill University in Montreal, but left to pursue a music career, He was a writer for a music magazine. He soon left college and helped, with Pierre, to form the new band which evolved into Simple Plan. He was born on September 17, 1979 in Montreal, Canada...
Jean-François Stinco
He is the Lead Guitarist of Simple Plan. He was born August 22, 1978 in Montreal, Canada and is the oldest member of Simple Plan. He has one brother. He loves Italian food and sushi. He has one tattoo on his upper arm and two piercings in each ear, also one labret. Before Joining Simple Plan , he was an Guitar teacher. Jeff got the nickname "Jeff", when his friends decided to call him "JF" for short, since many of his English friends couldn't pronounce his name. There's been rumors? that he his producing/or becoming the manager of a group, i dont know the name but i read it in a magezine. Jeff's favorite TV shows are The Osbournes, Friends, and The Sopranos.
F**ker .
you are the one who remind me for the first time tat i know i got an accident .
i hate u !
f**k u f**ker .
i hate the one who sux me .
tat is U .
i hate u !
f**k u f**ker .
i hate the one who sux me .
tat is U .
Rabu, 05 Maret 2008
they talking about david .
Chuck on David: I think the coolest thing about David is that this guy will do anything to make us laugh and to make everybody around laugh. He doesn't care if you don't know him, if you've never met him before or what not, he just wants to make people laugh and make them happy. And I truly admire how he can entertain himself and other people with nothing at all. I think it made our tours a lot more fun to have him around ya know, like f***ing s*** up and throwing his bass on stage and just being a total idiot!
Seb on David: All he does all the time is say jokes and he does nothing else but say jokes and he does nothing else but make me laugh. Like if we're on stage together he starts spitting on ya know, Pierre or like throws pics at my head or like ya know if we're offstage. Oh dude, David's got the worst jokes ever but it's always good to have something to laugh about. If it's the fact that it's bad, then it's still good. David's just a goofball, total idiot type person that likes to make people laugh.
Jeff on David: He's really ADD! PlusI think that's the beauty of his personality, ya know. He sees something and he runs after it. He sees something else and he moves on, ya know. He can't concentrate for more than 3 seconds at a time. You'll get pranked always at the end and in the middle you'll be like, 'Who's that?' then eventually you'll realize, 'It's David!'
Pierre on David: He's always the prankster. Trying to make people laugh and like... he's just always pulling pranks on people and like... doing stupid stuff to just always make me laugh.
According to SP
David is the fun, prankster! All the more reason to love him
Seb on David: All he does all the time is say jokes and he does nothing else but say jokes and he does nothing else but make me laugh. Like if we're on stage together he starts spitting on ya know, Pierre or like throws pics at my head or like ya know if we're offstage. Oh dude, David's got the worst jokes ever but it's always good to have something to laugh about. If it's the fact that it's bad, then it's still good. David's just a goofball, total idiot type person that likes to make people laugh.
Jeff on David: He's really ADD! PlusI think that's the beauty of his personality, ya know. He sees something and he runs after it. He sees something else and he moves on, ya know. He can't concentrate for more than 3 seconds at a time. You'll get pranked always at the end and in the middle you'll be like, 'Who's that?' then eventually you'll realize, 'It's David!'
Pierre on David: He's always the prankster. Trying to make people laugh and like... he's just always pulling pranks on people and like... doing stupid stuff to just always make me laugh.
According to SP
David is the fun, prankster! All the more reason to love him
Sabtu, 01 Maret 2008
paraaaaaaaaaaaah .
masa nilai TO PM gw jelek banget .
malu gw .
kaya nya sejak ********** gw jadi bodoh .
h.e.l.p meeee .
ajarin gw dooooong !
masa nilai TO PM gw jelek banget .
malu gw .
kaya nya sejak ********** gw jadi bodoh .
h.e.l.p meeee .
ajarin gw dooooong !
repeat the february !
february jangan pergi !
i d.o.n.t wanna last febryary just go witout somethin .
i wanna somethin circles in ma head . i want more !
time, dont go sooo fast . make me so last year .
jangan pergi dooooong !
its like i wanna repeat from the first date . again .
i d.o.n.t wanna last febryary just go witout somethin .
i wanna somethin circles in ma head . i want more !
time, dont go sooo fast . make me so last year .
jangan pergi dooooong !
its like i wanna repeat from the first date . again .
about simple plan as i know
Do Not Take This!Was 100% Written By Me !
Simple Plan is a punk rock/punk pop band from Montreal, Canada. Simple Plan started out as "Reset" with their lead singer, Pierre Bouvier, and drummer, Chuck Comeau. Chuck eventually left Reset and Pierre left soon after. Pierre was then replaced with Simple Plan's bassist, David Desrosiers. Pierre, Chuck and 2 of their high-school friends, Seb Lefebvre and Jeff Stinco, started a new band called "Canadian Plan" Not long after they started the band, they asked David to join and yeah... Simple Plan was born! And we are all very happy for that! Simple Plan began in 1995 with the formation of a band named Reset by high-school friends Pierre Bouvier, Charles-Andre (Chuck) Comeau and Adrian White. Reset toured around Canada with bands such as MxPx, Ten Foot Pole, and Face to Face, but only managed to gain modest popularity. The debut album, No Wories, was released in 1997, and Comeau left soon after to go to college. Two years later he met Jean-Francois (Jeff) Stinco and Sebastien (Seb) Lefebvre, and again started making music. In late 1999, Comeau and Bouvier reaquainted at a Sugar Ray concert and Bouvier left Reset soon after to join Comeau. David Desrosiers replaced Bouvier in Reset, but when asked to join the foursome, he too left the band. This allowed Bouvier, who had doubled as the band's frontman and bassist, to concentrate on the singing. --- In 2002, Simple Plan released their first studio album, No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls which led to the singles, "I'm Just a Kid", "I'd Do Anything", "Addicted", and "Perfect". Simple Plan is noted as saying that they were aiming at a pure pop-punk record. The record came in many different versions with slightly different track listings. For example, the U.S. release contained the extra songs "Grow Up", and "My Christmas List", while the UK release contained the extra songs "American Jesus", as well as the two music videos, "I'd Do Anything" and "I'm Just a Kid". The record also contained vocals from singers from other pop-punk bands as "I'd Do Anything" included vocals by Mark Hoppus from Blink-182, and "You Don't Mean Anything" included vocals by Joel Madden from Good Charlotte. In 2003, the band played as a headliner on the Vans Warped Tour. The same year, they opened for Avril Lavigne on her "Try To Shut Me Up" Tour. In addition to several headlining tours, they have also opened for Green Day and Good Charlotte. --- In 2004, Simple Plan released their second studio album, Still Not Getting Any... which led to the singles, "Welcome to My Life", "Shut Up!", "Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me)", and "Crazy". As mentioned before, when writing "No Pads, No Helmets... Just Balls", the members of Simple Plan were aiming at a pure pop-punk record. This time however, when writing "Still Not Getting Any...", the members of Simple Plan are noted as to saying that they were not liming themselves to the punk genre, but rather letting themselves write "good music". "Still Not Getting Any..." showed a dramatic change in Simple Plan's style as well. They still kept their style of downbeat lyrics matched to upbeat music, but managed to transcend from the standard pop-punk genre. Although many of the tracks on this CD still carry the feeling of teen angst that is probably most noticeable in the song "I'm Just a Kid" from the first album No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls, the general slant of this album tends toward slightly deeper and more mature lyrical themes, as well as a more mainstream sound that edges away from the pure pop-punk style of their last album. In 2005, Simple Plan also released the live album, MTV Hard Rock Live which contained songs from both the previous albums. The album came in two different versions — a standard one, and a fan pack edition. The standard edition included audio of the whole performance, an acoustic version of Crazy, two live videos of the performance of the first two songs "Jump" and "Shut Up!", and a small booklet of picturest of the performance. The fan pack edition which contained audio and video of the whole performance in 5.1 surround sound, three acoustic tracks for "Crazy", "Welcome To My Life", and "Perfect", a 32-Page Color Tour Book, and an exclusive SP Patch and pin .
Simple Plan is a punk rock/punk pop band from Montreal, Canada. Simple Plan started out as "Reset" with their lead singer, Pierre Bouvier, and drummer, Chuck Comeau. Chuck eventually left Reset and Pierre left soon after. Pierre was then replaced with Simple Plan's bassist, David Desrosiers. Pierre, Chuck and 2 of their high-school friends, Seb Lefebvre and Jeff Stinco, started a new band called "Canadian Plan" Not long after they started the band, they asked David to join and yeah... Simple Plan was born! And we are all very happy for that! Simple Plan began in 1995 with the formation of a band named Reset by high-school friends Pierre Bouvier, Charles-Andre (Chuck) Comeau and Adrian White. Reset toured around Canada with bands such as MxPx, Ten Foot Pole, and Face to Face, but only managed to gain modest popularity. The debut album, No Wories, was released in 1997, and Comeau left soon after to go to college. Two years later he met Jean-Francois (Jeff) Stinco and Sebastien (Seb) Lefebvre, and again started making music. In late 1999, Comeau and Bouvier reaquainted at a Sugar Ray concert and Bouvier left Reset soon after to join Comeau. David Desrosiers replaced Bouvier in Reset, but when asked to join the foursome, he too left the band. This allowed Bouvier, who had doubled as the band's frontman and bassist, to concentrate on the singing. --- In 2002, Simple Plan released their first studio album, No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls which led to the singles, "I'm Just a Kid", "I'd Do Anything", "Addicted", and "Perfect". Simple Plan is noted as saying that they were aiming at a pure pop-punk record. The record came in many different versions with slightly different track listings. For example, the U.S. release contained the extra songs "Grow Up", and "My Christmas List", while the UK release contained the extra songs "American Jesus", as well as the two music videos, "I'd Do Anything" and "I'm Just a Kid". The record also contained vocals from singers from other pop-punk bands as "I'd Do Anything" included vocals by Mark Hoppus from Blink-182, and "You Don't Mean Anything" included vocals by Joel Madden from Good Charlotte. In 2003, the band played as a headliner on the Vans Warped Tour. The same year, they opened for Avril Lavigne on her "Try To Shut Me Up" Tour. In addition to several headlining tours, they have also opened for Green Day and Good Charlotte. --- In 2004, Simple Plan released their second studio album, Still Not Getting Any... which led to the singles, "Welcome to My Life", "Shut Up!", "Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me)", and "Crazy". As mentioned before, when writing "No Pads, No Helmets... Just Balls", the members of Simple Plan were aiming at a pure pop-punk record. This time however, when writing "Still Not Getting Any...", the members of Simple Plan are noted as to saying that they were not liming themselves to the punk genre, but rather letting themselves write "good music". "Still Not Getting Any..." showed a dramatic change in Simple Plan's style as well. They still kept their style of downbeat lyrics matched to upbeat music, but managed to transcend from the standard pop-punk genre. Although many of the tracks on this CD still carry the feeling of teen angst that is probably most noticeable in the song "I'm Just a Kid" from the first album No Pads, No Helmets...Just Balls, the general slant of this album tends toward slightly deeper and more mature lyrical themes, as well as a more mainstream sound that edges away from the pure pop-punk style of their last album. In 2005, Simple Plan also released the live album, MTV Hard Rock Live which contained songs from both the previous albums. The album came in two different versions — a standard one, and a fan pack edition. The standard edition included audio of the whole performance, an acoustic version of Crazy, two live videos of the performance of the first two songs "Jump" and "Shut Up!", and a small booklet of picturest of the performance. The fan pack edition which contained audio and video of the whole performance in 5.1 surround sound, three acoustic tracks for "Crazy", "Welcome To My Life", and "Perfect", a 32-Page Color Tour Book, and an exclusive SP Patch and pin .
Rabu, 27 Februari 2008
first blog
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